Research conducted by The Closet Skeleton Genealogical Society.
Family Surnames:
Adams, Agner, Allen, Anderson, Angell, Arff, Baer, Baker, Ball, Barnett, Bates, Bedard, Bentley, Berry, Blood, Booth Peers, Boyer, Boylan, Bratton, Brisebois [Dubois dit Brisebois], Brew, Brown, Brush, Bryant, Buckler, Bush [Bus], Butler, Calvert, Campbell, Cannon, Canuel, Carline [Caroline – Smith], Carr, Carrico, Carlile, Chabot, Chenoweth, Clement [Clement dit Lariviere], Cochrane, Cormack, Cox, Daoust [D'Aoust], Davidson, Dean, Diceman [Deisman], Dorng, Dube, Durnell [Darnell –Darnall], Duncan, Edson [Eadson], Edwards, Eng [伍], Ferguson, Fields, Finucane, Fogel [Vogel], Forkner [Faulkner], Gauthier [Gauthier dit Saguingoria], Gibson, Given [Givens], Gleave, Goodbread, Graham, Grant, Hall, Hamilton, Harris, Harrison, Heath, Hedgecoe [Hitchcock], Henry, Henson, Hermenger [Arminger, Ammaringher], Holland, Hollingshead, Hopkins, Hulett, Hume, Hunter, Hutton, Indsley, Ireland, Jaensson, Jans, Jarvis, Johnson, Jones, Julian, Keffer, Kieffer, King, Kirkbright, Knight, Lalonde [Lalonde dit L'Esperance], Lahmer, Lambeth, Lancaster [Longster], Larson, Lawson, L'Ecuyer [Lecuyer – Lequyer, L'Ecuyer dit Lapierre], Lee, Lepard, Letendre dit Batoche, Lewis, Laveck [Levack], Line, Lyonnais dit Daunais [Daunnais – Delaunay – D'Lenois – Delonais – Doney – Donai – Lonais – Lyonais], MacDonald, MacGregor, Maillot [Maillot dit Laviolette, Mailhot] McDiarmaid, McGillen, McKenna, McLaren, McLaine, McLean, McMullen, Metz, Miller, Morris, Moynaugh, Mulholland, Murphy, Murray, Newby, Nice, Nickle, O'Brien [O'Bryan], Ogden, O'Brenan [Aubry, Aurry, Aubrenan, Aupri, Obry], O'Kane, O'Neill, Oster, Otterman, Page [Page dit Quercy], Paris, Pearson, Phillips, Platt, Plott, Pool [Poole], Prud'homme [Prudhomme], Quantz, Rehnberg, Ross, Ruby, Ryder [Rider], Sackville, Sappington, Scott, Siders, Singleton, Skaggs [Scaggs], Smith [Smithyman – Smithiman], Snider [Snyder], Stelfox, Stevens [Stephens], Stone, St. Vrain [De Hault De Lassus], Sutherland, Talbot, Taylor, Tillery, Thompson, Tobin, Valiquette [Valiquet dit Laverdure], Van der Durriens, Van der Laan, VanWinkle, Walker, Walters, Watson, Warder [Worder], Warren, Wilden, Wilkerson, Willson [Wilson], Wolf, Wolfenden, Wyatt, Yoast, Young [Youngs] and more.

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Dead Ends & DNA.
Missing: Elizia Brown
Born in 1869, likely with the Métis Hunters at the Pembina camp of 'Red River Brittons'. Might have used a different first name. Eldest daughter of Olive Lyonnais dit Daunais and John George 'Kootenai' Brown. Approximately 15 years of age upon her Mother's death in 1884 when she was placed in the household of Bishop Vital Grandin.
No further proof of life has been found. If you know more, please contact Mark@SnowStones.com or Jake@SnowStones.com.
[Most Wanted]

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